A popular choice in cafes all around, Mille Crêpe Cakes are not only foodporn worthy, but also so delicious at any time of the day! The equally thin layer of coffee cream that we’ve devised is surprisingly light on the palate. Here we present to you our white coffee variant, using OLDTOWN White Coffee 3in1 Extra Rich that you can simply grab for major supermarkets all around for your recipe.
Despite the multiple layers of crêpe, it’s a relatively easy recipe that can be done at any household. Give it a try and share your love for good food with them.
Like OLDTOWN White Coffee Singapore on Facebook, and tell us who you’re going to share this mille cake! 10 lucky winners stand to win 2 packages of OLDTOWN White Coffee 3in1 Extra Rich. Easy as cake. Contest is applicable to only residents in Singapore, and closes 11.59pm 5th October.