Chili Ban Mian

We love our food, especially when it comes with a kick! This Knife Cut Chilli Ban Mian is a super spicy Malaysian dish that has found a special place in our hearts and hawker centres. The signature element is the spicy chili that packs a punch, making it a favourite for those who love to

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Ayam Penyet

Remember when Zermatt Neo devoured our Butter Chicken meant for 10-12 people in just one sitting? Well, he’s back, and this time he’s taking on AYAM PENYET! Join Khalil, Jon, and Zermatt as they prepare the crispiest, juiciest ayam penyet you’ve ever seen.  The secret? It’s all in the marination! 

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Biang Biang Noodles

Skipping the whole biang biang noodle-making process, we’re taking the easy route with knife-cut noodles, which have a similar chewy texture. Breaking it down, we’ve got three simple parts: Cumin beef, stir-fried bean sprouts, and tomato egg. After blanching those knife-cut noodles, we toss them in a sauce mix and top it off with the

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