Starting from humble origins in China, these delicate pockets of soup are no stranger to the Asian food scene. Piping hot soup mixed in with rich flavours from the pork waiting to burst through that thin silky dough skin – it’s simply irresistible!
Ever wondered just how does the soup magically forms in the dumpling? All thanks to the wondrous discovery of aspic. Usually made by refrigerating meat stock, it forms into a jelly-like substance. Tiny cubes of these savoury jellies are placed with the meat filling in each dumpling which then melts during the steaming process, filling these little soup pouches with rich goodness. The best way to enjoy this soup dumpling also lies in its skin. It has to be tough enough to not fall apart when the dumpling is lifted up and yet thin enough to not overwhelm the insides.
Treat these delicate soup pouches with tender care or you might risk spilling all the precious liquid even before it reaches your mouth. One way to appreciate this delicate dumpling is to bite off its knot and slurp up all the rich flavour, before savouring that tender meat and dumpling skin. Or a fuss free way is to just savour all those delectable flavours in that perfect single bite. Either way, when it comes to these juicy little Chinese delicacy, one is never enough.
#themeatmensg #simple #delicious